Do you know what you TRULY WANT in life? Find out NOW!

happinessHuman life is an interesting an exciting game, if we know how to play by the rules, that is. And actually, after you drop all of your pre-programmed limitations, dogmas and biases, what is left are just a FEW simple rules. If you can play by these rules, you can reach your ultimate goal in life.


As in every game, there is an objective or goal to reach in the game of life, though. And I can guarantee you, without a shadow of a doubt, that this objective is universal, which means; every single human being is after this same goal. This is actually the only thing that we all agree about, all over the world.

And how do I know that there’s only ONE major goal in everyone’s life? You may ask. I do know it because for the last 27 years I have worked with hundreds of people, from all over the world, helping them transform their lives, and, at the end, they all have realized the same truth. That’s when they truly start LIVING, fully.

If I were to ask you now: What do you think is the major goal of every single human being? What would your first answer be? I have asked that same question to most of my clients and students for many years. Some got it right, but the majority could not get straight to it. Some say peace, others say freedom, love, success, etc. I make them realize that all these supposed goals are just bridges to the major goal.

To save you time and extra neuronal activity, I’ll tell you what the answer is, at least in my “version” of reality…are you ready?

It is:


A simple word, but usually misunderstood. Especially because we confuse the “path” for the “destination” and we may spend all of our lives exploring one or several paths without ever reaching the actual destination. That’s because we were never taught that we don’t need to leave the place we are in.

The true journey is inwards, and, “paradoxically speaking”, the destination precedes the path. That is, happiness must come before, not after accomplishments, otherwise there may not even be any accomplishments whatsoever.

Let me briefly explain how I use this “cute” philosophy in REAL life. Yes, because philosophies or theories have no validity to me unless they can be translated into real, verifiable results. If you wish to explore philosophy and wishful thinking just visit the “self-help” section of your nearest bookstore or library. You will find hundreds of books sharing nice philosophies, but very little information on how to translate those into results. And I guess that what you truly want are tangible results, correct?

Usually my “mental chess” inquiring game with a client goes like this (transcript from a recorded session):

Me: What do you truly want in your life?
Client: To feel that I am moving forward, that I am not wasting time.
Me: And why do you want that?
Client: So I can feel that my life is worth, that I am doing what I am supposed to do.
Me: And why do you want that?
Client: So I can feel proud of myself, and make those I love feel proud of me as well.
Me: And why do you want that?
Client: So I can feel fulfilled, I can have a meaning in my life.
Me: And how will you feel when you have accomplished that?
Client: I’ll feel truly happy!
Me: Bingo!

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this: whenever I play the inquiring mental chess game, sooner or later, I get to the same final answer; “I want to be happy”.

If you ask a million people if they wish to be rich, famous, “enlightened” (whatever that means to you), or peaceful, quite a few of them will probably tell you that some of those things do not matter to them. However, if you ask the same million people if they want to be HAPPY, just an insane individual will answer negatively. Doubt it? So go out and start asking. I am not here to turn you into a believer, I am here to help you realize some truths, and you can find evidence for everything I say in my articles and my book.

ALL that we do, all that we want in life, has one major purpose; to make us happier. That is the ultimate goal. Sure, survival is the main goal at the physical level, but at the mental/emotional, happiness rules. You don’t want to survive being miserably sad or disappointed, do you? Many people actually end their physical lives short because they cannot find the desired happiness. We have seen this pattern happening over and over again with “celebrities” who supposedly have it all. The latest case was a great actor, an Academy Award winner, who died of a drug overdose in New York City. Therefore even physical survival may not be as important as reaching this major goal.

The pursuit of happiness is our main priority in life; it is even mentioned in the U.S. Declaration of Independence as a basic human right.

So, what I do with my coaching clients and students is to help them reach this frequency. Yep, happiness is a frequency, not an emotion. Emotions come and go. Happiness is a constant state, like a tune playing in the background of our consciousness.  The problem comes when we confuse temporal contentment for happiness.

The new car, the new job, house, spouse or international trip will certainly give us lots of contentment, sure, and that’s nothing wrong with that. However, if you have lived long enough and have a minimum of critical thinking ability, by this time you may have realized that these external toys, relationships or events, although good and necessary, are not a guarantee of long-lasting happiness.

So, what am I saying? That you should renounce it all and move to a remote cave in search of the ultimate goal? Hell not! I’d never do that because I don’t have to, and you don’t either. What I am saying is that once you strike the right chord, tune or frequency, you will be able to truly enjoy all the good things of life, no matter what they are for you. Actually, it will be much easier for you to really go after and “attract” all the good things that you want.

In my new book I am hoping to bring down what I call the “new age paradox”. I mean, to once and for all, make you realize why you may still be in a rut even after many years of “positive thinking”, meditation and self-help readings.

Once you realize that there’s only ONE frequency you need to be in order to transform your life, then, and only then, everything else will fall in place. Then you will be able to enjoy your new car, your family, mansion, fame, fortune, etc. And YES, you can decide to move up to a cave in the mountain, not to escape reality, as most do, but because that is in alignment with your frequency.

Is there a formula for happiness? I truly believe so, that’s why I wrote “Raiders of the Lost Happiness”. My formula may not be the ultimate formula, but it is definitely the best I have found so far. And it is laid down, step by step in my book.

Oh, and do not worry, I am not selling you a non-refundable “ten thousand dollars self-help workshop at an exotic location” nor an eight hundred dollars video and audio course to teach you the happiness formula. The book, that will teach you more than many expensive “workshops” and “retreats”, costs less than 20 bucks, and if you don’t like it you can return it for a refund. You will not be selling your car to acquire it nor selling your soul to any “ism” or “ology”.

So, now you know what you want ultimately, and I believe I can show you how to get it, for less than a movie ticket.

Be informed about the release date, and participate in the drawing of two free copies at:

R.J. Wellington

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